My first artwork on paper

Collagraphy, paper, ink, tatting, private collection
In Memoriam, 30 x 20 cm, 2013

In memoriam, 2013, 30 x 40 cm, a collagraph in memory of my friend Serge Desjardins.
Under the watchful eye of Nicole Doré Brunet, chief of the Glypto Workshop at the Association des artistes de LaSalle, I took my first steps last fall in printmaking and paper medium.
It is a small piece of tatting that Serge Desjardins created and he had given me several years ago that has guided my composition. This small textile piece is real, pasted on the surface of the paper. Other elements, remnants of my past weaving with metallic threads, and a few bits of a textured yarn, became prints that naturally took their place into my composition, while I was thinking about that friend who recently passed away. The sepia ink (a beautiful color ink that I love and that I have adopted) captures my feeling of sadness and the blue color marks the symbol of our friendship and our shared passion for textiles.